Monday, January 31, 2005

Sensitivity analysis

Its been a long time since I have written something..anything at all..Looks like nowdays i suffer from a perpetual writer's block (writer..!!??)..Just wanted to give it a last try.The naming ceremony of this new blog took us 2 minutes in all..One n a half for me to list down 4/5 names and took my frens 30 seconds to choose one..."sensitivity analysis " which won by a huge majority of 2 : nil....Sensitivity analysis, also called the "what if analysis " perfectly describes my penchant to make my life so complicated that i have to sit back and think "what if " it hadnt happened or for that matter "what if " it had..gawd..!!Read somewhere "My toruble is that I analyse life instead of liev it!" how true..The new year had started with a bang..Had been to the worst party in town..paid a whopping (mind u,I am student!) 800 bucks only to be totally dissappointed..That was the grand beginning..It rightfully continued into an attendance fiasco at college,which if could describe in the best way would sound like "I had almost landed myself in deep shit!!"..Yeah after that i did have a breather,but before i could recover,had a bad bad fight with one of my closest friends ,which looks like has already done a pemanent damage to a good friendship..And all that in just 17 days and i have another 348 days to go!! GOD!!Hmmmm....2005 and whatta beginning! 2005.... 2+0+0+5 = 7...And I thought 7 was my lucky number!!