Monday, August 01, 2005

Know me is know how...

The "Know Me" Tag
The "Know Me" Tag

Three Names You Go By:
Amritarupa (but now its turned to amrita and rupa..aargh!)
Amrita( A shorter version of the former..but in maharashtra its Amruta and here in south india its amritha..)
Amu(Thts what my frens call me.)

Three screen names:
Gabbling Away..(Thts my orkut screen name now..for a person who can yap nonstop..its kinda ideal)
pipi ... (Thts my chat id that i had used years ago..those memories..(dreamy eyes))
binny_y2k..(this is from the y2k era..binny??..still dunno..)

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:(aha!!finally I can go on my narcissistic trip!!)
My Smile
My Nose
My -----

Three physical things I don't like about myself:(only 3!!! i could just go on & on..)
My FEET ...

Four parts of my heritage:
Darjeeling ... born there ... and someday wanna go back n settle there forever.. school..lotsa goood memories..
Pune..Where all the GROWIN up happened..literally..

Three things that scare me:
Losing the people I love..
My mind..

Three things I want in a relationship:

Three statements about you which are not all true or all false:
I am very rational..
I am overtly competitive..
I am a *BITCH*..

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to me:
Strong arms..

Three things I want to do badly right now:As in Now??
Leave office and go to sleep..( I dont have too much work today..:-(...)
Meet someone..
Go to some hillstation for a couple of days...

Three places I want to go on a vacation:
Himachal Pradesh ... I think its heaven
Greece ... Where's the dough??.. Blue waters n small white houses..
Vienna...thanx to the movie - "before sunrise"

Three Kids names I like:

Three things to do before I die:
Have a bank balance of over a crore of rupees,hmm..dollar is better..
Go backpackin across Europe and South America
Be very very very happy..

Three essentials in my day to day:
Radio city..
my ciggs..

Three things I am wearing right now:
My fav black shirt
A UCOB perfume
A smile