Well i am so happy that gradually i am getting used the "hul chul " of mumbai..Having been in Bangalore for the past year..thought that i wouldn't able to adjust to the fast paced life again..But naah..Im back in form..
Well yesterday had started pretty late(it was around 10 ) when i had left my bed..My boss had been generous to grant m the permission to report to work late..Her Funda- Come anytime u want,but u have to meet the deadline..!..Realised that i had to meet D in Andheri at 11.30..The mad rush began..Andheri is a cool 1hr away from my house,which includes waiting for the BEST bus to the rly station,boarding the train n reachin Andheri station...Managed to board the train (somehow)..it was packed to the hilt..By the time i had managed to settle down,i realised that i had made a BIIIG maistake of wearing a perfectly ironed attire....Well enjoyed the daily dose of a heated argument between 2 commuters..Trust me,if one thing that keeps someone going in a hot,crammed train compartment..its the arguments that erupt between the commuters.. Its very engrossing!!..The best part is that I always learn a new expletive..a very enriching experience..!!By the time i dismounted at Andheri,my attire looked as if they have never been touched by an Iron in their lifetime...
Travelled with D to churchgate(the last station on the western route)..gabbled thro the entire journey..had a GOOOD lunch..n then it was time to go to office..Was stuck in the office till 9 at night..After wrapping up the days work,it was time to make my way back ck home..another gruelling 2 hrs journey.!! but that's Mumbai..Dunno whats so good about the city..that no matter how much u work n slog n travel..it still doesn't wear u out..
Have lived in other cities like Kolkata,pune,hyderabad n Bangalore..Trust me,no city can boast of this..Maybe its gotta do with the zeal n the energy that the people in this city live with....its very very contagious!!!
This is an interesting read...all about Amchi Mumbai..
25 Sure signs that you're a Mumbaite.
1. You say “town” and expect everyone to know that this means south of Churchgate.
2. You’re suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.
3. You have never been to the Gateway of India.
4. You don’t hear sirens anymore.
5. Hookers, beggars and the homeless are invisible.
6. The trains make sense.
7. Your door has more than three locks.
8. The most frequently used part of your car is the horn.
9. You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.
10. You call an 8’ x 10’ clustered room a Hall.
11. You consider beyond Andheri as “Upstate”.
12. You think Chowpatty & Juhu beaches as “nature.”
13. You’re paying Rs 10,000 for a 1 room flat, the size of a walk-in closet and you think it’s a “steal.”
14. You’ve been to New Bombay twice and got hopelessly lost both times.
15. You spend more time each month travelling than you spend at home.
16. You haven’t heard the sound of true absolute silence since 1977, and when you did, it terrified you.
17. You take fashion seriously.
18. Being truly alone makes you nervous.
19. You have 14 different menus of Free Home Deliveries next to your telephone.
20. Going to “town” is considered a “road trip.”
21. You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise.
22. Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.
23. Rs 500 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.
24. You have a minimum of five “worst cab rides ever” stories.
25. You’ve mentally blocked out all thoughts of the city’s air quality and what it’s doing to your lungs